Sportfish Game Fishing Centre Open Day – SOLD OUT
Dive into the world of innovative rod and line design alongside the Sage, RIO & Vision experts, for a morning filled with insights into product design, the latest technologies and lots of opportunities for hands-on product testing on Haywards Farm Lake. Simon Gawesworth will showcase the new Sage CLASSIC R8 rods (+ R8 CORE & Spey … Continue reading Sportfish Game Fishing Centre Open Day – SOLD OUT
Thomas Turner Fishing Tackle Antiques Open Day
We will once again be hosting a Thomas Turner valuation day on Saturday 26th April from 10am – 3pm. Thomas Turner will be offering a free valuation service and information relating to any fishing tackle items; modern / retro, classic or antique. They also buy good quality rods, reels and accessories. We look forward to seeing … Continue reading Thomas Turner Fishing Tackle Antiques Open Day