Week ending 9th February 2020


A mixed week with the heavy winds that Storm Ciara brought towards the end of the week but the forecast saw anglers coming out in good numbers to try and get their fix before being blown off!

Lots of bags of good numbers, possibly some of our highest ever since taking over the fishery, 2 bags over the 20 fish mark and several in the high teens, most noticeably by Ben Beckwith. Tom visited from Farlows and had a great bag of 11 with 2 x 9lb + fish amongst them! Several double were landed up to 14lbs and many people reporting seeing plenty of backing heading out to the middle of the lake so prep yourself for a tug of war when you hook up!

Buzzers, blobs, snakes and damsel have all done really well with fish continuing to come right into the shallows to chase and eat a fly! Keep on the move as always, the most mobile anglers have had the most success.