Week ending 29th October 2017


The cool weather has certainly brought us some brilliant fishing here on Haywards Lake this week, with both bank and boat anglers having some great catches.  One of the most notable catches this week was by regular rod Theo Reid-Cain (aged 12), who caught 6 fish whilst fishing with his Dad Mark.  Theo’s first two rainbows were caught on dries, he then followed those up with a fantastic 4lb brown trout caught on a damsel nymph from the boat!  Theo wasn’t the only one to have success on the top with many other fish being caught on daddies and floating fry patterns.

Regular rod Rodney Horner also caught a memorable 8lb 1oz blue, his first fish of the day on a black montana.

Our on going tagged fish competition has produced 4 complimentary catch and release tickets this week but the elusive “money” fish still hasn’t been caught!

On Wednesday we stocked a good head of blue and golden trout into Haywards Farm Lake, with the addition of even more tiger trout into our smaller Hobby Lake.  Hobby Lake has had some incredible catches lately so why not get a small group of friends together and have the lake all to yourselves.   Hobby Lake is proving exceptionally popular for good reason so please book in advance by calling the store on 01189 303 860.

We still have places available for the Anglers World Fly Fishing heat to be held here at the Sportfish Game Fishing Centre’s Haywards Farm Lake on Sunday 12th November. There are some great prizes, including Sportfish vouchers and Costa sunglasses, up for grab as well as qualification for the 2018 finals. Tickets cost £60 per person, to book a place please call the store on 01189 303 860.