Week ending 28th May 2017


A mixed week saw some angler struggle more than others while some individuals caught at will. The boats once again have proven to be a big advantage with some catching in excess of 25 fish in a single day. This week has seen the first of the blue and golden trout landed and the most notable fish for the week was a 12lb+ rainbow for regular Martin Thumwood. Damsels are hatching in huge number and have taken plenty of fish. Blobs, boobies, diawl bachs, hare’s ears, buzzers and PTN have all caught well too.

The tagged fish competition is still going strong and the cash fish with the yellow tag, having been lost, is still yet to be landed. The cash pot is now in excess of £550 so don’t forget to put your pound in the pot before you start fishing! There are also plenty of orange tagged fish in there to give you a free day’s C&R on us.