The highlight of the week for us was our ‘ 50:50 Learn to Fish‘ event, which took place here on Saturday 19th October. Beginners of all ages, but mostly juniors, firstly had a talk on fly fishing from Charles Jardine before learning a little entomology and fly tying and then getting a casting lesson from our team of instructors.

Action for the youngsters on Kingfisher Pond
The action then moved to our new Kingfisher Pond where they could – and did – catch their first trout, which was then filleted and vacuum packed by the Sportfish team. With great weather and superb BBQ food it was a fantastic family day out and one that will certainly see more than a few youngsters take up the sport!

A cracking fish for Alicia and Ivy De Sousa, with a little help from Charles Jardine
As far as the rest of the fishing was concerned, Ben Bangham and his fishing partner took the biggest catch of fish with a haul of 22 between them, the majority taking snakes. Mini lures and black nymphs scored well around the lake too, with fist to over 7lb netted.
Some interesting stocking for this week will see 50 tiger trout introduced to the lake and the week after will see the introduction of a number of much larger fish – watch this space for full details!