As well as the usual riot of rainbows, plenty of blue trout were caught this week with Hare‘s Ears, Montanas, Dawsons Olives and Black Buzzers the flies of choice.
It was also a great week for one angler as Christmas came early for Peter Martin when he netted our big cash tagged fish in Haywards Farm Lake, collecting himself a nice payout of £250. Peter hooked the 9lb rainbow on a green chartreuse snake, fishing from one of the lake‘s boats.

Christmas comes early for Peter Martin (R) who is presented his £250 by Sportfish team member, Nick Clewlow.
Our annual fur and feather match takes place on Haywards Farm Lake on Saturday 14th December, with a range of great prizes up for grabs. Tickets cost £45 pp and include bacon rolls and hot drinks on arrival with fishing between 10am to 3pm, followed by the prize giving. Call us on 0118 930 3860 to reserve a place.