The last week has seen the temperature fluctuate from below freezing to actually quite warm, but even when freezing the sun has warmed anglers up, especially on the northern bank.
Fishing has seen a mixture of fly patterns being successful. Floating fry off the boat saw two anglers land twenty trout in a day. A cast, a couple of tweaks, and then leaving it to sit in the water brought constant takes.
Another angler caught nine trout in three hours off the bank using his own size 14 hook fly, similar to a Sawyer pheasant tail.
At other times the trusty damsel proved very effective, accounting for a good number. This was true during the fur and feather competition held on 9th December.
Buzzers, Diawl Bach, and Spiders also worked, the latter good under falling leaves from the trees.
So it just goes to show that tugging large lures through the water is not always the most successful method. Sometimes finesse is the name of the game!