Fishing Report 19th April 2022


What a week we had despite the bright sunshine and high temperatures. Summer certainly felt like it arrived and was perfectly timed for the bank holiday Easter weekend. Plenty of anglers ventured out, in what most would consider to be some of the least preferable conditions you could choose. Despite this the catches were strong, even to our own surprise. The fish are hard on naturals and we have had some great hatches of buzzer and pond olives throughout the day.
Plenty of fish are rising all over the lake but especially in the mornings and late in the afternoon when the sun starts to drop. Lots of 3-5 fish bags were recorded with the real standout bag coming to Will Parkes, who took 15 fish on Saturday to long lined buzzers fished deep and slow. Several of his bag were over 4lb with his largest tipping the scales at over 7lb. Please don’t forget that when the sun is out and especially if there is a little breeze to put some sun tan lotion on to avoid any painful sun burn!